A teenage boy with a strong connection and love for his dog faces challenges when his dog runs away.
This is my pitch for the five minute short film. As this being my second run through the making a pitch process. I remember the important steps to follow having a problem that needs a solution. Not making something overly complicated. While also doing something with a lot of filming and editorial freedom. I feel this pitch does all that while being suited for my situation. Saying as I will mostly be alone with Jaden to film. Also, I do have a dog who is indeed very important to me. Which means I have all the materials needed and since it is my dog no wasted time. This idea fits my situation perfectly having no extra resources needed other than what I have. Then, being able to perform with the little free time I have. My last years pitch was based on a boy who lost his father but it wasn't conclusive. So this year I get a fresher idea with the same principles. However I at least get to finish it all the way through. Weather it has a good conclusion or not.