Monday, October 14, 2019

Editing Lesson Blog

What did I learned today?
  I learned about the camera and tripod first in this lesson. The camera is small but “mighty” it has flip screen on the side and the camera turns on when the flap is open, and off when it is closed. There is a simple start and stop button that starts filming when pressed and stops when pressed again, it films a take and saves it to the SD card that is placed inside. Next is the tripod this piece of equipment can be attached to the camera through a plate. The plate can be tightened and untightened to the bottom of the camera through a screw. This plate with camera attached to it can now be snapped into place on top of the tripod and now keeping camera film level. The tripod can extend its legs in which it has three (tri-pod) triple it’s length allow all angles of film. It also has an extendable neck which is right below the attached plate and camera. The tripod also has all types of articular movement in its neck allowing all camera movements and shot types. The tripod is a vital part of filming anything in all honesty.
  Second I learned how to dump footage. I would need my SD card inside a SD card reader and have it plugged into a computer. I must also be signed in with my 060 number and must continue to sign in with mine only through project. I then need to create a folder on the desktop and name it. I must download my footage. Then I need to go into my computer files and find the DCIM file and find my footage and move it into my created folder. However if I don’t find my footage in DCIM, I shouldn’t worry because it doesn’t mean my footage is lost. I would go the the PRIVATE file. There should be another file labeled AVCHD. Inside of it I’d search Stream and I should find my footage somewhere and then I can just drag them into my created folder from there.
  Lastly import and export along with some editing. To import I go into the pinnacle studio software and move to the edit section and click import. After the pop up of files go to desktop and find the folder I created. Then check all of my film and import the footage and let it load. From there I have three tracks AV1 for titles, AV2 for the main building of film, and AV3 for any music or sound. I would move my imported footage into the AV2 track because all my film development/editing is to be done there. I would then put any transitions, cuts, voiceovers, etc. from that point on. I learned to do a cut I would use the red play bar and put it where I want a cut and press the razor button. When I’m done or content with the footage, I’d then export it. I’d do this by hitting the export button and making sure I have MPEG_4 selected in settings and the clicking render and let the film finish rendering (process of film being smoothed out and gaps in footage being removed). After all this the end product should be my completed commercial or film

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