Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Critical Reflection


  1. 1. How do your products represent social groups or issues? 

My product represents social groups of those who are very close with their pets. Those who view their animal more of a friend then others around them or human friends.  My product does this because the film is based around a bond between my characters close bond with his dog. It appeals to the groups of socially awkward individuals or those with difficulty of making friends. Which is why they would have a per/companion for company, so they aren’t completely alone. Which isn't the case with the character in my film, but that situation can be inferred. Social Issues represented are losing a loved one wither it is a pet or a family member. Which is a very common and real thing in the world that mostly everyone experiences at a point Both are devastating to a person. Being one of the points in my product lost is a crucial item shown. Also, Social Groups of mystery are represented. My product represents this group because my film is a mystery film based to why Jeo's loved one went missing. Is also followed by mysterious occurrences in the film. This is a large target social group. 

  1. 2. How do the elements of your production work together to create a sense of ‘branding’? 

The elements of my production work together going from different levels of emotion in the actors, from happy to distress and anger to then be relieved following loss to finishing with content and humbleness. It creates a branding accepting and appreciating your loved ones because at any random moment they may not be there anymore. The element of being a mystery allowing to branch out in other genre help blend in elements of ownership. Doing with by showing York’s toll on Jeo when he goes missing. Companionship is shown with Jeo and York spending time together. Lastly drama, comes into play with the exchange of info scenes. Creating branding for many things for one my film can brand out pet stores. Even auto shops with the many scenes in a car. 

        3. How do your produces engage with the audience?

My produces engage with the audience in many formats. Through social media such as instagram, facebook, and twitter. All items of the film package. Where these account give attention to my potential audience and keep them in the loop with production. Posting multiple pictures with comment sections open so they can engage as much as they would like to. Then a website which is also apart of the package. A website with interactive menu switching and info filled which allows the audience to attend anything they would like in relation to my film. In my film the audience is engaged when the note from the mystery man is revealed. It’s has its own scene for the audience to read it. Also the audience can try to make clues for the mystery of how York went missing. My production gives plenty of opportunities for audience engagement .

        4. How did your research inform your products and the way they use or challenge conventions?

My research major-idly benefited my website. In terms of research on marketing. I had no idea how to do anything website related and I ended up figuring it all out through class research and wix tutorials. The genre research showed conventions of lighting and camera angles, movements, shots. This research showed in my production as I used lots of the normal conventions especially in the aspect of camera shots. However I definitely challenged the convention of lighting. Usually there are scenes of ominous lighting and darker rooming to create a mysterious vibe or thrilling. The way I challenged this is I kept the light relatively good and bright. Not really any scenes where the light is dark dark. I was shooting for more of a Scooby doo light mystery and not a gone girl thriller. Hopefully the decision pays off and my production comes to success.

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